Monday, March 19, 2012

“Books are a hard-bound drug with no danger of an overdose. I am the happy victim of books.” -Karl Lagerfeld

As many of you may already know, I love to read. I decided to combine my book obsession with fashion in order to create a photo shoot that was really fun to put together.
I paired some of my favourite books with accessories that match the theme or came from the books directly. They are in no particular order. I could have done this for many more books, but I decided to stop myself at six. 

If I had a beret, I could have done some great things for this shot (sausage or animal hat, anyone?).

I shot this in my bedroom in the early afternoon. By then the sun usually shifts to the other side of the house, but as you can see it still shines quite brightly. This is great for photos (but not so great for sleeping in). I used an aperture of f5 to let in a good amount of light, but not so much to overexpose the images. I increased the vibrancy in photoshop to make the colours really pop. 
If you haven't read these books, I highly recommend them! If you have, that's awesome (which is something you should not forget to be). 

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