My sister, Andrea Leask, is a forth year Fashion Communication student here at Ryerson University and a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of assisting her at one of her photo shoots. She is currently working on her Cap Stone project where she is researching and photographing three articles of clothing that are significant to women throughout history: the veil, the corset and the high heel.
The images below are behind the scene shots of my friend and model Jaclyn Hudson, that help to provide insight to the over all essence of Andrea's vision. The styling and over all look of the photos shoot, from the big hair, doll like make up and colour scheme help to bring a playful vibe to the photos reflecting on the doll theme.
The first image settings were: ISO 200. F-STOP 4.5. Shutter speed 1/125
Second image: ISO 200. F.STOP 4.5. Shutter speed 1/125
Third Image: ISO 200. F.STOP 5.0. Shutter speed 1/100